I've decided to share all of you in a little secret. The home study education system is rapidly expanding but that is NOT the secret, nor is the secret that I believe within a few more years home study will replace traditional college as the main way people receive continuing education and get degrees and certificates. There is also a wide range of schools that offer degrees for your life experience. That is how I got all my business degrees from Rochville University. I'm currently in the process of taking some home study courses from varying schools in fact I plan to do over 50 schools when I am all told at a cost of $250,000+ but with the result being over 200 degrees (including 70+/- doctorates) for the purpose of writing a book on which schools were the best as far as customer service.
work experience conversions
Rochville University
Belford University
Dargo University
Ashwood University
Almeda University
Sequoia Institute
Redding University
Suffield University
Landsfield University
Reiki Blessings Academy
Freedom From Pain Institute
Aspen Equine Studies, Inc.
Horse Courses Online( partners with Breyer State University)
The Open College of Equine Studies
New Horizons Learning Center
Global College of Natural Medicine
Center Fro Massage Therapy Continuing Education
Sacred Stone Spa
US CAreer Institute
Penn Foster Career Institute and University
Natural Wellness
Hypnosis Power
National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Psychology
Bushindo University
Kilroys College
Institute of Somatic Therapy
Global Institute for Alternative Medicine
Brandon Raynor
Massage Online Professor
Still more Angelfire Services